The SkinFit Coach
4 min readFeb 6, 2019


Day 6: Self Love is Sacred, NOT Selfish Series

14 Days of Self Love ā€¦ Nourish Your Body & Your Skin

In honour of February 14, the designated day of love letā€™s try something different ā€¦

šŸ’ Valentineā€™s Day šŸ’ is about spoiling & showing your love to that someone special in your life. But did you ever think that, hey, YOU are the most ā€˜someoneā€™ special in your life?

Why not make this month about loving yourself?

You canā€™t love someone else until you truly love yourself, right!

Self care is vital for the health of your body & mind, which also improves the health of your skin!

Letā€™s play a game! ā€¦ A game where you are the most important person in your world; a game where you are #1, everything you do is to benefit yourself & how that benefits your skin, your health & your overall wellbeing.

One sacred self love act per day that hopefully turns into a life-long ritual of love ā€¦ your skin will thank you for it!

Are you with me?? šŸ™‹ā€

Great! Today we are going to nourish your body to nourish your skin.

Photo by Chelsea shapouri on Unsplash

I know youā€™ve heard it before, but itā€™s true!

You are what you eat!

Your car canā€™t run without petrol, oil, water etc ā€¦ AND your skin canā€™t function without the essential nutrients in requires for optimal health.

Ever wondered why, even though ā€˜youā€™ve tried everything & nothing worksā€™ ā€¦ you still have acne, rosacea, wrinkles, etc?

Answer: Itā€™s because your skin is fed from within, starting with your digestive enzymes & gut where essential nutrients are broken down & delivered to the skin via your circulatory system. If you body isnā€™t functioning properly OR isnā€™t receiving these essential nutrients in the first place, then nor is your skin!

Simple, right!

What does your skin actually need to be healthy & beautiful?

Well, Iā€™m glad you asked, because this is without a doubt my favourite part! So, without getting to nerdie & technical ā€¦

Omega 3 (EFAs) = healthy, nourished, supple, hydrated, protected, youthful, radiant & clear skin. Omega 3 ensures a healthy barrier, pH & cell membrane; feeds the skin at the deepest layer of the epidermis where your skin is produced; anti-inflammatory; prevents aging; reduces the risk of acne & is a natural UV protector. A diet rich in Omega 3s is absolutely essential for healthy, clear, radiant & youthful.

Food sources of Omega 3s: grassfed meat & diary, pasture-raised poultry & eggs, avocado, coconut oil & milk, olives & olive oil, nuts (not peanuts/cashews), flaxseeds, chia seeds, wild caught salmon & tuna

Water = healthy, hydrated, plump, youthful, clear & radiant skin. Your skin cells contain @65% water. Water ensures optimal hydration, detoxification, circulation, digestion, excretion, nutrient absorption & activates 1000s of enzymatic processes.

Zinc = accelerated skin healing & turnover; acne fighter; smooth & firm skin. Zinc is a powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant & antiviral; controls cysts & blemishes; regulates activity of the oil glands; essential for collagen synthesis & DNA repair; forms enzymes that become building blocks for new cells; essential for collagen formation; slows aging.

Food sources of Zinc: grass fed meat, shellfish, legumes, seeds, nuts, dairy, eggs, whole grains

Silica = youthful, smooth, radiant & firm skin. Silica is one of the most important minerals on Earth & makes up the biggest component of your collagen (collagen holds your skin in place & helps your skin fight its greatest foe, gravity); ensures a balanced pH, combats mild-moderate acne.

Food sources of Silica: diatomaceous earth, whole grain, oats, bananas, mangoes, green beans, spinach

Antioxidants = skin cells & structures that are functioning perfectly! Antioxidants scavenge & deactivate unruly bullies AKA free radicals caused by toxins which cause oxidative stress/damage. Common antioxidants are Vitamins A, Bs, C, E; Green, Black & herbal teas; Resveratrol; Omega 3; Zinc; Silica; CoQ10; Curcumin; many fruits & veges.

Food sources of Antioxidants: yellow & red fruits & veges, nuts, wholegrains, grass fed meats, pasture-raised poultry

Vitamin A = firm, healthy & youthful skin. Vitamin A encourages healthy skin production & growth; reprogrammes cell DNA; stimulates Fibroblast cells which produce collage, elastin & hyaluronic acid; prolongs the aging process by slowing the degradation of collagen & elastin.

Food sources of Vitamin A: pumpkin, mangoes, pawpaw, sweet potato, carrots, eggs, broccolini, tuna, sardines, butter (grass fed)

Vitamin C = bright, smooth & firm skin. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant; collagen builder, prevents wrinkles, age spots & acne; prevents toxicity caused by pollutants, smoke & UV; speeds up skin healing; brightens skin as it is a melanin inhibitor; slows down the aging process; protects cells; encourages effective waste removal.

Food sources of Vitamin C: green vege, tomato, capsicum, new potatoes, citrus

Vitamin B3 = bright, hydrated, even, smooth skin texture & appearance. Vitamin B3 regulates sebum; reduces wrinkles, scarring, age spots & pigmentation; evens out skin texture; antibacterial; heals acne; prevents skin cancers; maintains hydration & lipid barrier; stimulates collagen synthesis.

Food sources of Vitamin B3: grass fed meats & offel, pasture-raised poultry & eggs, vegemite, sunflower seeds, anchovies, chilli powder, tuna, sundried tomatoes, tahina

Food really is the best medicine for your skin & your body.

See how many of these elements you can get into every meal, every day as whole foods & take note of how your skin improves. It will be healthier, radiant, beautiful & youthful in no time!

Until next time,

Yours in Skin Health

The SkinFit Coach (AKA Michelle Bailey)



The SkinFit Coach

Join Nutritional Skin Therapist on her quest to help you get your sexy back through glowing skin & beauty nutrition! Raw, honest, no BS & passionate.